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資料筆數共計 6 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

IVTL: Assessing Project Economic Viability - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Alok Kastia;
出版日期:2019/02/11內容長度:11 頁

Teaching note for product 9B19N004.

IVTL: Assessing Project Economic Viability - Instructor Spreadsheet
作者姓名:Alok Kastia;
出版日期:2019/02/11內容長度:107 頁

Spreadsheet for product 8B19N004.

IVTL: Assessing Project Economic Viability - Student Spreadsheet
作者姓名:Alok Kastia;
出版日期:2019/02/11內容長度:94 頁

Spreadsheet to accompany product 9B19N004.

IVTL: Assessing Project Economic Viability
作者姓名:Alok Kastia;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B19N004
出版日期:2019/02/11內容長度:8 頁

Indus Valley Telecom Ltd. (IVTL) wanted to set up an optical fibre cable plant at its subsidiary, Cosmic Equipment Company Ltd. The general manager of IVTL had hired an outside consulting agency that determined that the project was technically viable. Next, in January 2016, the general manager needed to conduct a comprehensive economic viability study of the project before presenting the proposal to IVTL management for approval. The decision of whether .....more

Tele-Tichon Ltd.: Corporate Debt Restructuring - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Sajjan Raj Singhvi; Alok Kastia;
出版日期:2015/06/23內容長度:17 頁

Teaching note for product 9B15N008.

Tele-Tichon Ltd.: Corporate Debt Restructuring
作者姓名:Sajjan Raj Singhvi; Alok Kastia;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B15N008
出版日期:2015/06/23內容長度:16 頁

Tele-Tichon Limited, a private company in India’s telecom equipment manufacturing sector, was in deep financial trouble, after having experienced declining financial health for nearly 10 years. The company had made an attempt at corporate debt restructuring (CDR) six years earlier but its restructuring plan had not been approved. Now, with the company in deeper financial crisis and unable to service its mounting debt and interest burden, the chief .....more